


I work with ADHD Mums, who are fed up with guilt, shame, self-blame, and are ready to discover a better, more enlightened way to live.


Own your ADHD, Discover your true potential

  • Are you newly diagnosed with ADHD?
  • Have you been struggling with your ADHD your entire life?
  • Are you fed up with your anxiety, your overwhelm, and your self-made crises?


In this book, Faigy Liebermann, certified ADHD success coach, draws on her personal experience with ADHD, her experience as an ADHD mum, her training, and her many years of working successfully with her clients, to bring you up-to-date knowledge and hands-on tools so that you can easily use to start to live successfully with your ADHD.

A certified ADHD coach focuses on the “skills” aspect of ADHD management. In this book, you will learn some of the many ADHD coaching skills that work for ADHD management. You will feel comforted as you listen to the many true client success stories that you are not alone, and like the many clients in this book, you too can succeed.

This book shows you how you can easily replace your anxiety and overwhelm with focus and inner peace. It’s so easy when you know how to do it.

Banish your overwhelm (Part 1)


This book is specifically tailored for ADHD women, or for women who have ADHD tendencies.

I wrote this book in response to the overwhelm and crushing guilt that my clients feel around their clutter.

  • Are you drowning in your clutter?
  • Does clutter and mess seem to follow you wherever you go?
  • Are you too overwhelmed to be overwhelmed?Have you given up on your dream of banishing your clutter from you home forever?
  • Are shame and guilt eating you up? In this book I will show you how you can finally banish your shame and guilt.


I am proof that the ADHD tools work, and that as a woman with ADHD there is more positive and energising way to live. Its’ is so easy to find your focus and clarity when you have the right ADHD-focused tools to support you.

This book is part 1 in a two-part series on ADHD organisation. You first need to declutter (read this book) before you organise what you have left, (part 2). You will learn about the root of your clutter tendencies.

When you understand why you gravitate towards clutter, then it will be far easier to tackle your clutter.

You will learn how to declutter the straightforward and uncomplicated ADHD way. Read this book and bring balance into your life.

Banish your overwhelm (Part 2)


This book is tailored for ADHD women, or for women who have ADHD tendencies.

This book is the second book in the “Banish Your Overwhelm” series. It is the sequel to “Banish Your Overwhelm – Declutter Your Life.” You first have to declutter, and only then you can successfully organise what you have left.

I will show you how you can create your simplified, organised life. Yes, even with your ADHD. As an ADHD woman I am proof that the ADHD tools work. Its’ is so easy to find your focus and clarity when you have the right ADHD-focused tools to support you.

There is more positive and energising way to live. Read this book and bring balance into your life.


In this podcast series you will join me on an exclusive audio tour of my home,
“Banish Your Overwhelm Declutter Your Life” A decluttering guide for women with ADHD”
Free videos for you to start your journey and learn from


"I had been struggling with my ADHD and was looking for help, fortunately we found Faigy online and noted her qualifications, I attended coaching sessions with my partner and we both gained so much from it, I found it very enlightening to learn from all traits that come with ADHD and it helped me understand myself better and be aware when I'm too critical of myself. I was nervous initially and did not know what to expect, she made me feel comfortable and was very understanding

As our sessions carried on she opened up our minds and helped us cope better, We learned a lot but it never felt overwhelming, Faigy delivered at our pce, it was when i look back, really brilliant, I was curious about medications, Faigy put ut in touch with someone who could get me a formal diagnosis, I am now on meds which work well for me alongside Faigy's tips and coaching, We are grateful to her, she has helped me understand myself so much better

Paul B Client

I had 16 weekly sessions. In this time, this is what I have gained from working with Faigy. I got diagnosed with ADHD. I realised that the meds alone were not enough. I realised that I needed to learn skills as well. Through coaching I learned to have confidence. Before coaching, I had no confidence in getting somewhere with my ADHD. I felt like it was a permanent disability that I couldn’t do anything about. I now feel normal, and I don’t feel like my life is a mistake. I used to feel broken. Now I have got the skills that I was lacking; time management, and self-awareness being high on the list. I can now reflect on past events in my life, and I can now learn from them. I couldn’t do it before. This is a major life skill that has helped me immensely.

Yaniv Birmingham

Contact Information:

Website: https://adhdwithfaigy.co.uk

Address:  MANCHESTER, M7