

You create your life story


No one understands how much you juggle, how much energy you put into your daily life just to stay afloat.

  • I understand.
  • I have ADHD.

As an ADHD mum 5 times over, and an ADHD Entrepreneur, I set up and run 2 successful businesses, my ADHD Coaching practice and my Propety Investment business. I live with the  agonising self-doubt, and ADHD Imposter Syndrome every day of my life.

If you have an ADHD diagnosis, you can now receive ADHD Coaching sessions funded through Access to Work via the DWP. 

You can use these sessions to learn about your ADHD and how to use it to work for you. You can use these sessions to learn how to support your ADHD child and how to adapt your environment to support your ADHD child.

👉 ADHD Coaching is fun, and empowering. I will supporty you  to integrate new actions into habits, thus creating the changes you can only dream of.

👉 When you work with me, you will also get free access to my unique program, including my 15 online courses with tons of content exclusive only for my ADHD clients.

All courses are jam packed full of ADHD info and tools, not found anywhere else on the internet. 

👉 It’s super easy to connect with me. Simply send a WhatsApp message on my personal number, 0780 515 9803.

👉 Start your journey of self-discovery right now.


In this podcast series you will join me on an exclusive audio tour of my home,
“Banish Your Overwhelm Declutter Your Life” A decluttering guide for women with ADHD”
Free videos for you to start your journey and learn from



These course and information is pioneering in the field of understanding and working with ADHD


The right knowledge (the truth) empowers you to make the changes you need to succeed. The wrong knowledge (lies) saps your life force energy. There is very little REAL, DOWN-TO-EARTH and POSITIVE information about ADHD. My books fill that gap.


Why is your day filled with never-ending worry, frustration, and fear? Why can’t your ADHD child just behave? If you are at your wits end, you need specialist tools to manage your ADHD child, so you bring out the best in your ADHD child.


Too many mums focus on helping their ADHD child, and forget about helping themselves. When your home is uncluttered and systemised, your emotions are more even-keeled, your day flows better. You have more energy to focus on your ADHD child, and most importantly, your ADHD child’s behaviour dramatically improves.


You are juggling way too many balls and dropping too many balls to admit. If you have ADHD, your daily self-made catastrophes and cover-ups, combined with your inner shame and guilt, are eating you alive. You need my ADHD Mum Survival Tool Kit.


"I had been struggling with my ADHD and was looking for help, fortunately we found Faigy online and noted her qualifications, I attended coaching sessions with my partner and we both gained so much from it, I found it very enlightening to learn from all traits that come with ADHD and it helped me understand myself better and be aware when I'm too critical of myself. I was nervous initially and did not know what to expect, she made me feel comfortable and was very understanding

As our sessions carried on she opened up our minds and helped us cope better, We learned a lot but it never felt overwhelming, Faigy delivered at our pce, it was when i look back, really brilliant, I was curious about medications, Faigy put ut in touch with someone who could get me a formal diagnosis, I am now on meds which work well for me alongside Faigy's tips and coaching, We are grateful to her, she has helped me understand myself so much better

Paul B Client

I had 16 weekly sessions. In this time, this is what I have gained from working with Faigy. I got diagnosed with ADHD. I realised that the meds alone were not enough. I realised that I needed to learn skills as well. Through coaching I learned to have confidence. Before coaching, I had no confidence in getting somewhere with my ADHD. I felt like it was a permanent disability that I couldn’t do anything about. I now feel normal, and I don’t feel like my life is a mistake. I used to feel broken. Now I have got the skills that I was lacking; time management, and self-awareness being high on the list. I can now reflect on past events in my life, and I can now learn from them. I couldn’t do it before. This is a major life skill that has helped me immensely.

Yaniv Birmingham

Contact Information:

Website: https://adhdwithfaigy.co.uk

Address:  MANCHESTER, M7