I work with ADHD Mums, who are fed up with guilt, shame, self-blame, and are ready to discover a better, more enlightened way to live.

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Enjoy my blog posts

How I supported a Client Navigating ATW Challenges

HOW I SUPPORTED AN ACCESS TO WORK CLIENT TO GET THE FUNDING THEY DESERVED I wanted to share a recent experience to highlight how I can support you through the challenges that may arise when working...

7 Ways to Stay Calm During the Christmas Season

7 Ways to Stay Calm During the Christmas Season The Christmas season means lots of preparations and family time in abundance. As an ADHD mum with ADHD children, are you dreading this time of year? Are...

The Difference Between ADHD Coaching and Therapy for ADHD

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADHD COACHING ADHD THERAPY? I often get asked the following question: What is the difference between coaching and therapy. There are many forms of tools that can assist...

Dangers of Alcohol consumption in ADHD

Dangers of Alcohol consumption in ADHD The dangers of alcohol abuse and brain damage in those with ADHD is real. Let’s talk about ADHD and alcohol abuse. Do you want to know why you should never offer...

How I Live With my Imposter Syndrome

How I Live With my Imposter Syndrome This is what I experience every day as a woman with ADHD: The intense pressure of being expected to excel and constantly expecting to fail, the crippling inner...

The Secret Revealed! Who Has the Most Influence to Support Your ADHD Child?

Who Has the Most Influence to Support Your ADHD Child? I am an ADHD mum of 5 children. I work mightily hard to practise the tools that I share with my ADHD clients. In fact, this is one of the secrets...

Top Tips to Help Your ADHD Child Thrive in School This Year

Top Tips to Help Your ADHD Child Thrive in School This Year In this blog I will be sharing some of my best tips how to help your ADHD child succeed in school.          As I do not know you or your...

What is Mummy Brain?

What is Mummy Brain? Have you heard of the expression called “Mommy Brain?”  I experience “Mummy Brain many times a day. Sometimes they are more dramatic For our summer holidays, we stay in the UK...

My ADHD Medication Journey

My ADHD Medication Journey Mental health professionals who specialise in diagnosing ADHD often overlook the most challenging symptom of ADHD; the emotional world of their patients. The root of the...
In this podcast series you will join me on an exclusive audio tour of my home,
“Banish Your Overwhelm Declutter Your Life” A decluttering guide for women with ADHD”
Free videos for you to start your journey and learn from

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Address:  MANCHESTER, M7